The T1D Family Growth Guide

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Your family is the most important thing in the world.

And you don’t want diabetes to get in its way for a single second. 


You’re likely working around the clock to make sure that your child is healthy and safe, but you’re also exhausted and feel like this is a lonely uphill battle 


What if you could maximize your time and start finding small ways to make big changes, so that you and your family can relax and enjoy life the way it is meant to be?


There are some things you just won't get from your doctor, no matter how great they are. We're here to deliver the pieces you're missing.


You’ll gain the tools and confidence to take action in everyday T1D scenarios like:

  • Navigating hormones and growth spurts

  • Sending your child to baseball practice with less highs and lows

  • Tackling rainy days or sick days with planned insulin changes

The T1D Family Growth Guide is for you if you're ready to:

  • Get support outside your Endo's office with the tools you actually need to get ahead of your child's T1D
  • Shift from being reactive to being proactive with your child’s management
  • Take back control (and sleep!) as your role as caregiver
  • Think beyond blood sugars and learn how to empower your child’s relationship with T1D
  • Implement new strategies to take your family’s T1D care to the next level

What's inside:

The T1D Growth Model Guidebook

This is your 18 page master resource guide that will start to help you fill in missing gaps in education you may be experiencing. You'll learn about the T1D Family Growth Model and how it applies to the 5 topics of:

Nutrition Beyond The Carbs

Insulin and Insulin Sensitivity

Exercise and Activity


Family Advocacy

T1D Kids Video Interview

In this 10 minute video, Lauren sits down with 3 of her T1D family clients- Sofia, Sabrina, and Ethan to here what they have to say about living with T1D! 

Sofia, age 16, Sabrina, age 12, and Ethan, age 7 open up and share their favorite blood sugar friendly snacks, what it feels like to have a low or high blood sugar, and much more.

This is a great video to watch with your child if they have resisted connecting with other kids with T1D.

Parenting a Child with T1D Audio Interview

Enjoy this 45 minute audio interview with Lauren's clients Lacey, mom of 7-year-old T1D Ethan, and Doug, dad of 12-year-old T1D Sabrina. 

In the interview we discuss the challenges of parenting a T1D child and tools that changed the game for their families.

Some topics we touch on:

  • Navigating different management parenting styles
  • Finding balance with food and blood sugars
  • How they handle leaving their child in someone else's care ( ex. school nurse, family member, baby sitter, parent of child's friend)
  • How they let go of perfection with their child's numbers

Pump site change time video!

Has your child ever watched someone else change their pump site? In this video, created especially for children with T1D,  Lauren changes her pump site and gives kids a little encouragement along the way!

If you’re looking to validate your experiences as a T1D parent, continue learning beyond your child’s endo’s office, and discover strategies to take your family’s T1D care to the next level, the T1D Family Growth Guide is for you.

T1D Family Growth Model Guide

$49.99 USD