Diagnosed with Prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes? 

Watch this 15 minute video to understand what it takes to get control of your blood sugar, lower your A1C, and make you and your family proud. 


There are 8,760 hours in a year. You will spend approximately 2 of them with your doctor.


We are here to fill that gap.

Apply for Health Coaching

Can you imagine what it feels like to ...


Have Support to Keep you on Track

Feel like you're constantly falling off the wagon and starting over? Imagine having a diabetes health coach by your side for guidance, support, and accountability.

Lose Weight With More Ease

Tired of constantly dieting and being told what you can and cannot eat? Imagine if you had a sustainable plan that worked with your body and lifestyle without feeling like you're restricted.

Lower your A1C 

Want to increase your energy and reduce future complications? Imagine going to the doctor and hearing that you've lowered your A1C and improved your blood sugar control.

Hear what our Type 2 and Prediabetic clients are saying...


Ready To Take Control Of Your Diabetes?

Yes! I Want to Apply for Coaching

Meet Lauren

Lauren Bongiorno is the CEO of Lauren Bongiorno Coaching, a nationally board certified virtual diabetes health coaching company that helps people take control of their blood sugar and overall health.

Her company was recently featured on the TODAY show for their signature holistic coaching programs that have helped hundreds of people with diabetes take ownership of their health since 2015.

Lauren has proven that most people with diabetes need support and accountability outside of their doctor’s offices in order to make transformative and sustainable change. She is on a mission to help people live a more empowered life through healthy habits and a holistic mindset.