Blood Sugar Anxiety and A1C Masterclass

Of course you know this but, some people don't👇
Prolonged significant diabetes distress is associated with depressed mood and elevated A1C.
[American Diabetes Association]
Between 20 and 40% of people living with T1D experience…
feelings of powerlessness and overwhelm due to daily management demands
fear of low blood sugars and negative self talk with high blood sugars
worries about future health complications
In fact, depression and anxiety symptoms are twice as prevalent among people with type 1 diabetes than people without diabetes. Ugh...sigh, right?
[American Diabetes Association]
But…when's the last time your doctor asked you about your mental health?
Or talked to you about...
👉How to navigate your fears around out of range blood sugars or avoid running high just to not go low?
👉How to reframe a mindset of judgment and self-criticism into one of curiosity and self-compassion?
👉How to navigate the mental gymnastics of monitoring food, activity, and insulin intake 24/7?

The truth is that many people living with T1D are only receiving recommendations for lowering A1C that focus on the physical and do not address the mental and emotional reality of living with T1D.
What if the key to sustainably managing your blood sugars, lowering or maintaining your A1C, and feeling confident with T1D doesn’t start with mastering carb counting and workouts, but actually begins with addressing the fears and stress that block you from creating change?
That’s exactly what we are diving into in this
brand new 60- minute FREE masterclass.
Get the exact strategies we use to help T1Ds learn to support themselves (body + mind), feel less anxious, and reclaim a sustainable way of managing their diabetes.
During our time together we will:
Go beyond generic T1D education and actually talk about the fears, blocks, and anxieties of having type one diabetes that are holding you back from feeling confident
- Learn Risely's 3 strategies to overcome blood sugar anxiety & reach your A1C goals
- Equip you with approaches from both therapy and health coaching with our guest psychologist Dr. Elana Dumont
Connect with other T1Ds who share your experience of not getting holistic support from their endo
This masterclass is for you if:
✔️You are often overwhelmed by both your day-to-day management and long term health
✔️You have fears around high or low blood sugars that have led you to perpetuating unhealthy habits
✔️You wish your doctor would ask you about your mental health
✔️You know that a lack of education + knowledge of your body contributes to your fears + anxiety that prevent you from managing your T1D the way you want to
✔️You feel isolated on your T1D journey and are looking for connection with others who get it

I'm your host!
Lauren Bongiorno
I'm here to help you transform your relationship with diabetes, numbers and beyond.
If you've been feeling alone, overwhelmed, and sick of not feeling your best, I see you. I was once where you were and my life's work is to help people shorten the amount of time they struggle, too.
Success with T1D is commonly viewed as a set of numbers, and doesn't take into account our mental health, unique lifestyle, life experiences, ect. We're here to help you change that narrative and as we like to say, reclaim your rise.
You just need the support, accountability, and tools to make it happen ...and a bomb community of supporters to celebrate your WINS!
You've come to the perfect spot and I can't wait to see you on the masterclass.

Guest Speaker: T1D Pyschologist
We’re excited to have guest speaker Dr. Elana Dumont join us for this class. Elana is a NY State licensed clinical psychologist on Risely Health's medical advisory board who specializes in working with children, teens, and adults with mood and anxiety disorders. She also has a special interest in treating individuals and families with chronic illness, as she was diagnosed with T1D at age 22.
We’ve helped hundreds of people with T1D sustainably improve their blood sugars and finally feel more confident in their lives